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Who is Joel?


Hey, I'm Joel. I started my leadership journey as a teenager in the outdoors. I realised that resilience is something we can develop 'along the journey', not something that only shows up after adversity. 



I left New Zealand and began as an Operations Manager, in Italy for 10 years. I led the 25 person team that delivered a truly worldclass Personal Leadership programme specialising in the power of focus & attention. We served 50-200 clients per day. 



I returned to New Zealand, got married and had two amazing children. And this is when I started speaking on stage about everything I'd learnt as an aspiring Leader.



I started a Health facility, grew that to 12 staff over 9 years and sold that in 2019, whilst simultaneously, I became Director of Leadership at Scot's College in Wellington. 



Training small teams across New Zealand & Australia has also been a huge part of what I do. I have partnered with dozens of schools, an array

 of small businesses and supported the vision of organisations like:



House of Travel, Fonterra, Air New Zealand, Central Heating NZ, Downer Group, Fulton Hogan, Lululemon, Pinnacle Health, WETA, Stirling Sports, Search & Rescue, Antartica NZ, PWC, So They Can, and many NZ Government Ministries.   



To date I have shared my team cohesion, culture building & empowering leadership insights with over 250,000 people.



I use a combination of positive psychology, neuroscience, NLP, emotional intelligence & accelerated learning techniques, to enhance LIVE trainings, workshops & presentations (Online & In-Person). 







Booking Joel


Joel is competent in professional speaking (the art of telling), training teams (the science of showing) and outcome driven facilitation & coaching (the skill of asking). 


Engaging Joel gives you a full spectrum professional to manage the demands of your team or audience & elegantly nail your desired outcome. 


Joel draws on his experience as a business owner in the Health industry and an International Operations Manager in Australia & Italy for 10yrs. As well as just generally walking the ‘leadership’ talk for over 20 years.


Joel is a Husband, Father and adventure lover. He is regarded as humble, authentic, energetic & empowering.


Joel’s purpose is to create possibility by empowering leaders so that they show up to their work & life, full expressed.


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