Salon Owner
Business & Team Empowerment Coach

Hi, I am Joel and for the last 15 years, I have been helping owners & and their teams, to become more connected, committed and cohesive, by making sure that every individual shows up, fully!
I am what you would call a Salon Owner’s Leadership Coach. I coach Salon Owners into their Leadership Potential. Why? Well, you lead a Salon don’t you?
Look, if you have been:
creating systems so your staff don't need to ask you the same sh*t?
refining services so your clients rave about you?
raising your prices to keep up with rising costs?
training your team so they know what to do?
driving their KPIs so they don't get lazy and...
double-checking your bank account every day, twice a day?
If that's your main job..... maybe someone told you that "if all these check out for long enough…. you’re eventually going to bump into FREEDOM?
The only pathway to FREEDOM is by empowering your team!
Empowering them to what Joel?
to think for themselves (first) and then
to think on behalf of the business & team
I'm not saying the above actions aren’t helpful, I’m just saying, that if your definition of freedom includes:
Being with the kids uninterrupted until your smile hurts
Being on a date without work popping into your head
Drinking margaritas with your best friends and not knowing where your phone is
Working out / walking / taking great care of yourself for at least 2hrs / day
Having the time and headspace to truly invest in your health, finances & relationships and
Maintaining true presence and focus wherever you are, instead of being pulled back into what someone else needs...
Then what you need is something quite specific.
Not a freedom plan…. based on (just) having more money...
An engagement plan that makes your presence... redundant!
So you can enjoy your money, time, team (when you want to), family, friends, and yourself, without the anxiety of thinking or believing you need to be, at the salon.
We help Salon Owners, Empower their Team, To Lead Their Salon...
So that you can lead your life, by design, whatever that looks like.
That is the work that we do. I help you to help your staff become the very best versions of themselves, faster, so that they actually fall in love with the workplace, team, and boss that makes them feel 'at their best'.
In a world that’s highly uncertain, I believe this is the greatest gift we can give our staff.
You're People Empowered

Why Lead Your Salon?
Productivity - Purpose - Profit
I have worked with Salon Owners who have won all the awards, have a huge team + salon and from the outside are respected by industry peers and clients, yet on the inside, the owner is having a confidence meltdown about how to motivate, inspire, and actually lead their team.
Having a productive team of happy, high performers is critical to maximizing your business potential. As we all know, if we look after the business needs, the business will look after our needs.
The new breed of employee is not a workhorse. We know that. But most owners don't know that they are PURPOSE horses.
They crave understanding why, and how this means that. Our job as Salon Owners has shifted and we need to be better at communicating, more now than ever before. With a few small tweaks, you can leverage huge levels of independence, autonomy, and business progress.
Finally, almost every salon I've ever worked with can show me; their Google docs, their processes, their rosters, and their hard-fought systems that govern and run the business. Of course, these only work when the staff do.
With well-being fast becoming the biggest challenge in the workplace, our ability to maintain engaged, resilient, and motivated staff is a real challenge.
Profits are massively affected by absenteeism, unpredictable reactive staff behaviour, and an ongoing hunger for less work and more 'time off'. The demand for competitive pay rates continues and so, profitability is no longer an ideal, it's a critical business need.
Leading Your Salon with Lead Well™ Salon & Spa Owner Mastermind, helps you to empower your people (fast), so they can work on purpose, drive profit, and reward you with your time (back) and peace of mind.
An empowered team is the future
and your leadership depends on it.
Lead Your Salon today so you can
Profit with Purpose
If you're an ambitious Salon Owner with a team of 4+ ???
You know how to market your business and fill whitespace???
And you are looking for a sustainable, sellable, and successful way to grow your team, 'time off' and turnover, email me now for the full downloadable PDF, that describes our entire Lead Well™ Mastermind Programme, specifically for Salon Owners
Get ready to Lead your Salon to the next level!
We started a 10week program with Joel in the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown.
I was recommended Joel from another salon owner who’s salon and team culture looked a lot like mine and she was talking about how beneficial Joel was to the fundamentals of her team.
I already had a good team culture but I really wanted to strengthen the culture and really define who we are and what we stand for. I felt this timing was very important for us as i could see some of my team members really struggling with the uncertainty of the world and i wanted to look after their mental health and wellbeing and bring us together and have our minds focused on positivity.
Over the last 10weeks my team have turned up once a week at 7am (before work for some of them) on Zoom and showed up each time with their cup of tea, sat up in bed ready to learn from Joel some mind blowing personal and professional development skills.
Joel was so easy to work with and was so clear in delivering each session with us.
Joel was always checking in with me over the 10weeks asking he was on the right track for what i wanted and if i wanted to change anything but I didn’t have to change 1 thing. The order in what he was delivering was perfect and i was very happy.
I found the whole 10weeks very valuable to my team and to myself. It was basically 10 staff meetings without me being the one talking and i really got to understand my team on a different level and figure out what our values are. I feel this has brought my team even closer too understanding each other more and working out ways to work in harmony.
I feel the cost of the 10weeks has been a smart investment and i throughly recommend Joel to anyone who wants to bring their team closer together, build and amazing culture and lay some foundations down for future employees.
I will definitely be continuing a long and happy relationship with Joel for myself and my team and feel very grateful to have found a coach and mentor in Joel Bouzaid.

Mhairi McQueen
Koh Elwood - Melbourne
I have worked with Joel with my Team and 1:1, and both experiences have been 100% awesome. Joel reminds you, we all have a choice, and with what you want in life, are the choices you are making aligned with the actions you are doing and thoughts you are thinking. Joel is very inspiring, to the point and so accommodating to explaining things if you don’t understand them. He has a beautiful nature that is confident, direct, and genuinely wants the best for you and your life, your team, and your business.

Jess McCarthy
Haylo Spa - Wellington
The Reds team had an awesome session with Joel today. He managed exactly the right balance and pace to keep our team fully engaged all day.
We are all feeling invincible, motivated and energised. Great session and I highly recommend.
Diana Beauford
Reds - Wellington
What other Salon Owner's have to say about Joel..
We started a 10-week program with Joel in the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown.
I was recommended Joel by another salon owner whose salon and team culture looked a lot like mine and she was talking about how beneficial Joel was to the fundamentals of her team.
I already had a good team culture but I really wanted to strengthen the culture and really define who we are and what we stand for. I felt this timing was very important for us as I could see some of my team members really struggling with the uncertainty of the world and I wanted to look after their mental health and well-being and bring us together and have our minds focused on positivity.
Over the last 10 weeks, my team has turned up once a week at 7am (before work for some of them) on Zoom and showed up each time with their cup of tea, sat up in bed ready to learn from Joel some mind blowing personal and professional development skills.
Joel was so easy to work with and was so clear in delivering each session with us.
Joel was always checking in with me over the 10 weeks asking if I was on the right track for what I wanted and if I wanted to change anything but I didn’t have to change 1 thing.
The order in what he was delivering was perfect and I was very happy.
I found the whole 10 weeks very valuable to my team and to myself. It was basically 10 staff meetings without me being the one talking and I really got to understand my team on a different level and figure out what our values are. I feel this has brought my team even closer to understanding each other more and working out ways to work in harmony.
I feel the cost of the 10 weeks has been a very smart investment and I thoroughly recommend Joel to anyone who wants to bring their team closer together, build an amazing culture, and lay some foundations down for future employees.
I will definitely be continuing a long and happy relationship with Joel for myself and my team and feel very grateful to have found a coach and mentor in Joel Bouzaid.

Mhairi McQueen
Koh Elwood - Melbourne
I have worked with Joel with my Team and 1:1, and both experiences have been 100% awesome. Joel reminds you, we all have a choice, and with what you want in life, are the choices you are making aligned with the actions you are doing and thoughts you are thinking. Joel is very inspiring, to the point and so accommodating to explaining things if you don’t understand them. He has a beautiful nature that is confident, direct, and genuinely wants the best for you and your life, your team, and your business.

Jess McCarthy
Haylo Spa
The Reds team had an awesome session with Joel today. He managed exactly the right balance and pace to keep our team fully engaged all day.
We are all feeling invincible, motivated and energised. Great session and I highly recommend.

Diana Beauford
Joels unique approach to our session created a desire and motivation for each person to contribute and to WANT to contribute to being part of an epic Mane salon team. Lots of A-ha moments, insights, how to’s, why to’s and tangible actions all rolled up into an interactive day that sets our team up for future success and empowers the people within it for their everyday lives both inside and outside of our four walls.

Janine Simmons
Mane Salon
I really can’t thank you enough for today. I so enjoyed it and have had multiple texts from the team saying they did too.
I wish I could express my gratitude for the work you’re doing with me and the team. At such a challenging time too, it really means the world. We have some more hurdles ahead and as a connected engaged team we really can conquer anything.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Kate Jarrett
Loxy’s Hair Boutique
Our team spent a morning with Joel, in a “team building” session. The result of the mornings efforts was much much more than just “team building” it was a reminder that we all have so much potential and are capable of so much more than the limiting beliefs we hang on to.
I 110% recommend you taking your team on this journey with Joel – it might seem like a big investment, but it is without doubt the most impactful session we have done and the unity of the team afterward is so strong – what price would you put on having a strong and united team? DO IT – you won’t regret it!